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HOME World records 2007 ![]() 1995 GRAND NATIONALS
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.
Now that old flat spot in the broccoli field behind Swamps became quite the social center . Pilots could now test their Beasts and fine tune their riding skills not to mention the great parties. This did much to push the envelope in Unimotorcycle design as new ideas could now be tested and modified prior to the big race in March . Now two of the big complaints that pilots had with racing at the Fairgrounds was that one day was to short to make the critical adjustments in the beasts and also that it divorced the spectators from the pilots in the pits. The old broccoli field had none of these problems so it was decided to hold the 1995 Grand Nationals there for 3 days and to advertise the event. That decision would forever change Unimotorcycle races. Over the next several months the Unimotorcyclists took great pride in creating a venue worthy of their sport. The track was graded and regarded till all imperfections were removed and the track was level as a billiard table. Barrier fencing and hay bales lined the track to protect spectators and capture runaway beasts. A large backboard was built to contain the dirt shoveled by the spinning wheels. The old broccoli field had become a thing of beauty and everywhere people were building Unimotorcycles. In February 1995 full page adds were taken out in Florida Bikers Digest and Freewheeling magazine. On Wednesday of Bikeweek it became obvious that something big was about to happen. The pits were filling up with just about every kind of beast you could imagine and by Friday over 15 competitors were signed up. Sidecar had redesigned the LONGHORN DEER into a new machine called BAD PUPPY which now was powered by a chrome 750cc Honda engine. Because the skies were offset with one behind the wheel and one off to the right side Sidecar claimed that this was the first Unimotorcycle with a sidecar. ![]() ![]() ![]() From Tennessee there was the ATOMIC UZUIK a 750cc Suzuki piloted by Eric Carol and TENNESSEE TRASH the 550cc Honda of Randy (Turkey) Turner. Swamp had worked all the bugs out of SWAMP THING which now preformed flawlessly and was by far the quickest out of the hole. Glenn Dukes was there with the DIRT DRAGON his 650cc Yamaha. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Junkyard Josie showed up with a truck load of junk looking for someone to help him build a beast . Well old Sidecar just loves this type of creative engineering so he and Josie drag the junk out of the truck and utilizing a four cyl Suzuki engine, 75 tie wraps, two halves of a Ford truck bumper 20feet of electrical conduit and a 12 pack of beer create from the Rube Goldberg university of physics a Beast known as the DITCH RAT and they do it in only 4 hours. ![]() ![]() Nelson Back was having a ball. He has mastered the springs and weights of his salsibury clutch and all the gremlins have been removed from TRIPLE TROUBLE. The beast was performing perfectly, feeding everyone dirt hoagies which culminated with back to back runs of 2.48sec.giving the World Record back to Nelson. ![]() Nelson Back
People ,People everywhere our little party had drawn a crowd of over 500 spectators to the broccoli field to see these crazy people .The Mickey Finn Band provided entertainment and only motorcycles were let into the field in an attempt to keep this party true to biker tradition and what Willy had planed for the grand finally was sure to blow their minds. A grudge match between Swamp and Nelson. Each had created the ultimate Unimotorcycle for this race Swamp had chosen to go the car engine route and had designed and built the UNIRADO a 425ci Cadillac Eldorado engine which chain drove a 4ft.dia Euclid tire. ![]() This machine would be pitted against Nelson Back on his creation the BOTTLE ROCKET which consisted of two CO2 bottles attached to a wheel which were filled with 20gallons of water and then pressurized with 800psi of CO2, a seat was attached and presto a really dangerous toy. Now as Willy goes looking for Swamp he suddenly realizes that there is many more police than just the 2 security guards that he had hired to control any traffic problems. In fact there are many police including K9 units and they had Swamp in handcuffs. Sidecar is told that the event is in violation of zoning and that if the broccoli field is not empty within 5 minutes that Swamp would be going to jail. Sidecar hurriedly returns to the stage and announces to the crowd that they must vacate the field which everyone does in record time and Swamp is spared a trip to the pokey. All in all it was a great event with120 attempts to ride the 100ft culminating in a new world record for Nelson of 2.48sec. on TRIPPLE TROUBLE but no one got to see the race between the UNIRADO and the BOTTLE ROCKET or did they? ![]() ![]() ![]() GET OUT - GET- OUT - GET OUT AND PARTY AT THE
It was learned that the owner of the Cabbage patch had called the police to shut down the races when most of his customers left so on the following day a small group of people met in secret to hold this unlikely race and to record the results. As the video camera's rolled the flag dropped and the mighty UNIRADO roared as its huge tire spun. But even though Swamp had added 300lbs of railroad rail to the front of the machine to increase traction the beast could not overcome the friction created by the enormous weight of this monster. Now as the UNIRADO claws for traction Nelson pulls the pin on the BOTTLE ROCKET which at first sounds like the pop of a champagne cork but in an instant all hell breaks loose as the 800 psi of CO2 forces the water from the 2 one inch stainless steel valves. The force of this blast blows the backboard off its foundation and sends Nelson down the track, hair blown back, eyes bulging, and all this to the shrill sound of escaping air like a sandblaster gone mad. Its over in seconds leaving Swamp and his Beast on the starting line awash in a sea of water and mud. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1995 Biketoberfest
Biketoberfest was coming fast and the unimotorcyclists had no place to race. Willy and Tiny were working with the county to find a permanent site for the sport but as yet no venue had been found. Knowing that the competition had to continue if the sport was to survive Willy decided to hold the race on a private dirt road in the swamps of Samsula where he lived. The neighborhood was all in favor of the race and lent their support by grading and dragging the road. Twelve pilots met at the local bar and from there a large procession of competitors,press,and spectators proceded to the event area. Now this is the way it should be a beautiful sunny day plenty of cold beer and the baddest unimotorcyclists in the country. Bob Scheskie showded up with a new beast named THUMP IT that he claimed would set the next world record. It was powered by a 500cc Yamaha single the wheel had been liberated from Nelsons Bottle Rockett. This beast had all the options which included steering,brakes,and shifting but above all it had tons of low end torquewhich allowded it to burd for the full 100ft. The top four pilots batteled for 6 hours with one run after another under 3sec but in the end it was to be Glen Dukes from Georgia who had the best time of the day with a run of 2.75sec ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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