1988 THE INSPIRATION SIDECAR WILLY 1991 BOB SCHESKIE 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 Sponsorship Solicitation A.N.U.S. T-SHIRT 2003 2004 2005 Russia 2006
2007 2008
World records 2007
It's March of 1988 and Sidecar Willy and Bubba are sitting on their favorite bar stumps at the Cabbage Patch slamming a few beers and reminiscing about what had been a damn good Bikeweek. It sure was a lot more fun in the 70,s when you could just ride out here get a cold beer from Ollie sit outside and wait for the races to begin Willy lamented. The police would even block off Pioneer Trail for the races on Wednesday nights The old tradition of drag racing in front of the bar had been stopped by the sheriff several years earlier over safety concerns because of the large amount of traffic that now permeated the area roads. Occasionally now and then 2 bikers would line up in the old cabbage field behind the bar for an impromptu dirt drag race but this was also becoming impossible during Bikeweek due to the large amount of bikers that took advantage of the free camping offered by the bar. Again Willy lamented you know Bubba there just isn't any racing for the average biker anymore I've raced four wheelers ,three wheelers and two wheelers I guess the only thing left is one wheelers. Well that statement certainly invoked some controversy. You mean put a motor on a wheel Bubba questioned how you gonna do that? Well as every good bar person knows when challenged by an engineering problem you simply request a pen and another beer, grab a bar coaster and get to work on the problem. The rest of the night was spent scribbling designs, drinking beer, submitting ideas, drinking beer, rejecting ideas, drinking beer till at the end of the night it was decided that the race should be called Unicycle Drag Racing the trick being to travel from a standing stop 100ft on one wheel and that it should be held on dirt to minimize the injuries from the crashes that would almost certainly occur during the attempt. Now normally these sporadic boughts with creativity are left in the bar where they are thought of along with ones sun glasses, cigarettes, money and the shopping list. But for some reason this night Willy had tucked the bar coaster with the scribbling into his pocket as he stumbled out of the bar to start looking for his motorcycle. |